
Saturday, June 7, 2008

Randomness - - - More Nosey Questions


Click above to play along

  1. What is your favorite day of the week? Sunday
  2. How do you usually wear your hair? With my cut, there aren't many options. I basically just wash, put a little hair product in and go. It's an easy hairstyle & I love it!
  3. What is your favorite item of clothing? My jammies, for sure.
  4. Where would your dream vacation be? Greece, Ireland, Scotland or Italy - - - equally.
  5. Who is your favorite author? book? Nicholas Sparks. My favorite books are "Sam's Letters to Jennifer" and "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas" (both by James Patterson).
  6. How often do you log on? I usually stay logged on since I have a wireless connection at home and at work.
  7. What is one of your favorite internet sites to visit? I have a lot of favorite sites,but since it just asks for one, I'll go with one I visit often . . .
  8. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
  9. Do you prefer healthy snacks or junk food? If I'm being honest . . . junk food. But, there are healthy snacks that I enjoy.
  10. Are you a morning person or a night owl? A night owl, for sure.

Leave a comment if you decide to play along so I can check out your answers. Have a great Sunday!



Kimber said...

Great Randomness!

Becca said...

Hi Jen,

My comments are up if you would like to go take a peek!

Have a great day!

The Bookworm said...

hi, great answers :)
enjoy your week.